Relatórios técnicos

Interim Deliverables

Deliverable B1 – Definition of seismic scenarios
Task B – RiskMAP
Deliverable/Task Leader: IST, INGV
March, 2018

Deliverable B2 – Identification of ground motion intensity parameters that are critical for non-structural damage
Task B – RiskMAP
Deliverable/Task Leader: IST, INGV
March, 2018

Deliverable B3 – Mapping the risk
Task B – RiskMAP
Deliverable/Task Leader: IST, INGV
November, 2016

Deliverable C1 – Review of non-structural damage from past earthquakes
Task C – Non-structural seismic risk reduction
Deliverable/Task Leader: EERC
March, 2018

Deliverable C2 – Identification of the most vulnerable non-structural components in the pilot study areas
Task C – Non-structural seismic risk reduction
Deliverable/Task Leader: EERC
October, 2016

Deliverable C2 – Identification of the most vulnerable non-structural components in the pilot study areas (Iceland case)
Task C – Non-structural seismic risk reduction
Deliverable/Task Leader: EERC
March, 2018

Deliverable C3 – Shake table tests: wall shelves and equipment
Task C – Non-structural seismic risk reduction
Deliverable/Task Leader: LNEC
1st deliverable: October, 2016

Deliverable C3 – Shake table tests: wall shelves and equipment
Task C – Non-structural seismic risk reduction
Deliverable/Task Leader: LNEC
2nd deliverable: April, 2017

Deliverable C4 – Portfolio: procedures for minimizing the risk of non-structural damages (theorectical aspects)
Task C – Non-structural seismic risk reduction
Deliverable/Task Leader: EERC, IST, INGV/EERC
April, 2017

Deliverable C4 – Portfolio: procedures for minimizing the risk of non-structural damages (KnowRISK Portfolio of Solutions)
Task C – Non-structural seismic risk reduction
Deliverable/Task Leader: EERC, IST, INGV/EERC
March, 2018

Deliverable D1 – Characterization of pilot-areas
Task D – Approaching target-communities
Deliverable/Task Leader: LNEC
October, 2016

Deliverable D2 – Giving voice to building sector stakeholders and to end-users
Task D – Approaching target-communitiesDeliverable/Task Leader: LNEC & IST/ LNEC & IST
March, 2018

Deliverable D3 – On-going Social Impact Assessment report
Task D – Approaching target-communities
Deliverable/Task Leader: LNEC & INGV/LNEC & IST
April, 2017

Deliverable D3/E5 – On-going Social Impact Assessment report /Social Impact Assessment Report: how far was risk communication in terms attitudinal change towards earthquake hazard and non-structural protection? 
Task D – Approaching target-communities / Task E - Tools and strategies of risk communication and learning
Deliverable/Task Leader: LNEC & INGV/LNEC & IST
March, 2018

Deliverable E1 - Practical Guide on non-structural safety for population
Task E – Tools and strategies of risk communication and learning
Deliverable/Task Leader: IST & INGV/INGV
April, 2017

Deliverable E2 - Participatory risk communication action “KnowRISK, be safe”
Task E – Tools and strategies of risk communication and learning
Deliverable/Task Leader: IST & LNEC/INGV
March, 2018

Deliverable E3 - Participatory risk communication action “Know your school, be safe!” Task E – Tools and strategies of risk communication and learning
Deliverable/Task Leader: INGV/INGV
March, 2018

Deliverable E4 - Educational tools for risk reduction
Task E – Tools and strategies of risk communication and learning
Deliverable/Task Leader: INGV/INGV
March, 2018

Deliverable E5 - Social Impact Assessment Report: how far was risk communication in terms of behaviour change?
Task E – Tools and strategies of risk communication and learning
Deliverable/Task Leader: INGV/INGV
March, 2018

Deliverable F1 - Dissemination of research output
Task F – Publicity (Visibility)
Deliverable/Task Leader: IST
March, 2018

Deliverable F2 - KnowRISK Portal development
Task F – Publicity (Visibility)
Deliverable/Task Leader: IST
October, 2016

Deliverable F3 - KnowRISK newsletter
Task F – Publicity (Visibility)
Deliverable/Task Leader: EERC/IST
March, 2018

Deliverable F4 - KnowRISK Final Dissemination Conference
Task F – Publicity (Visibility)
Deliverable/Task Leader: IST
March, 2018