KnowRISK ScienzAperta in Milan

ScienzAperta in Milan was the last dissemination event of the KnowRISK project.

We hosted almost 300 hundred students with seminars, games and hands-on activities.

Shake it was the activity that included simulation of damage on a small educational shake table implemented for the KnowRISK project. The table was simulating the damage on structural and non-structural elements. Accelerograms measured by two accelerometers placed on the board of the table and inside or on top of a building were also shown. Four events having different accelerations and frequencies were shaking a Meccano structure and a house model. The Meccano structure was also showing resonance.

Different solutions to improve the vulnerability of NSE in the house model were applied after suggestion by the students.

In Shake it there was also a time when students had to build their own structure and watch the damage caused by the shaking of a cardboard shake table.

Che Fenomeni, i Terremoti is an KnowRISK hands-on activity to understand the earthquake as a natural phenomena.

Do it right, be safer! is the KnowRISK game derived from the Practical Guide. Students, while playing, the ask questions and discuss solution and eventually remember and understand better than only reading the Practical Guide.

The Parri-Vian classes that participated to last day of ScienzAperta in Milan, 2018

The INGV KnowRISK team members and the teacher of Parri-Vian classes that participated to last day of ScienzAperta in Milan, 2018